程序包 org.bukkit.event.entity
package org.bukkit.event.entity
类说明当滞留药水应用它的效果时触发本事件,期间每5 tick发生一次。当箭矢射进实体或从实体上拔出(脱落)时触发本事件.当一只蝙蝠将要睡觉或醒来时触发本事件.当一个生物体在世界中出生时触发该事件.生成原因的枚举类.当爬行者被闪电击中时触发该事件.造成这次强化的原因Called when an EnderDragon switches controller phase.当实体的氧气值发生变化时触发本事件当
破坏门时触发本事件.当一个实体与另一个实体交配繁殖时触发本事件.Called when any Entity changes a block and a more specific event is not available.当方块造成实体燃烧时触发该事件.当一个实体造成另外一个实体燃烧时触发该事件.当实体燃烧时触发该事件已过时。当一个实体受到来自方块的伤害时触发该事件当一个实体受到另外一个实体伤害时触发该事件储存伤害事件的数据造成伤害的原因.已过时。这个API被废弃了,具体见后面的网址,很快就要被移除了,就不深入解释了.This API is responsible for a large number of implementation problems and is in general unsustainable to maintain.当一个实体死亡时触发本事件Called when an entity stops riding another entity.Thrown when an entity creates an item drop.当实体
进入方块, 保存到那个方块时触发本事件.当实体进入求爱模式时触发本事件.代表实体相关事件.Called when a human entity experiences exhaustion.The reason for why a PlayerExhaustionEvent takes place当一个实体爆炸的时候触发本事件当一个实体与其他物体互交时触发本事件Called when an entity receives knockback from another entity.Called when a living entity receives knockback.An enum to specify the cause of the knockback.Called when an entity attempts to ride another entity.当实体捡起地面上的掉落物时触发本事件.当一个实体因玩家在一个方块上"放置"一物品而创建时触发本事件.当一个实体与传送门接触时触发本事件.当一个非玩家的实体被传送门传送时触发本事件在实体退出传送门前触发本事件.当实体改变它的姿态时触发本事件.当实体上的药水效果发生改变时触发本事件.指定对药水效果采取的动作的枚举.指定药水效果改变原因的枚举.当实体恢复生命值时触发本事件.详细说明实体生命值恢复原因的枚举.Called when anEntity
is removed.Represents various ways an entity gets removed.当实体死亡并且有机会复活时触发本事件.Called when a LivingEntity shoots a bow firing an arrow当实体生成于世界内时触发本事件.Called when aSpellcaster
casts a spell.当生物实体被驯服时触发本事件.Called when a creature targets or untargets another entityAn enum to specify the reason for the targetingCalled when an Entity targets aLivingEntity
and can only target LivingEntity's.当非玩家实体从一处传送到另一处时触发本事件.Sent when an entity's gliding status is toggled with an Elytra.当实体游泳状态改变时触发本事件.当实体将转化/蜕变为其它实体时触发本事件.Called immediately prior to an entity being unleashed.Called when a ThrownExpBottle hits and releases experience.Called when an entity has made a decision to explode.当烟花爆炸时触发本事件当一个人类实体的饥饿值发生变化时触发本事件当马跳起时调用此事件.当掉落物
存在时间超过5分钟后被移除时触发本事件 (注:掉落物存在时间因服务器配置和安装的插件而异).当掉落物生成于某个世界时触发本事件.Called when a splash potion hits an areaStores all data related to the bartering interaction with a piglin.Stores data for pigs being zappedCalled when a Pig Zombie is angered by another entity.当一个玩家
死亡时触发本事件Called immediately prior to a creature being leashed by a player.Called when a splash potion hits an areaCalled when a projectile hits an object当一个抛射物被发射时触发本事件.当羊身上的毛被染色时触发本事件.当羊身上的羊毛重新长出时触发本事件.当史莱姆死亡后分裂成小史莱姆时触发本事件当刷怪笼刷出实体时触发本事件.Called when aStrider
's temperature has changed as a result of entering or exiting blocks it considers warm.Called when an entity is spawned into a world by a trial spawner.Called whenever a villager acquires a new trade.Reasons for the villager's profession changing.Called when aVillager
is about to restock one of its trades.