接口 Permissible

AbstractArrow, AbstractHorse, AbstractSkeleton, AbstractVillager, Ageable, Allay, Ambient, Animals, AreaEffectCloud, ArmorStand, Arrow, Axolotl, Bat, Bee, Blaze, BlockCommandSender, BlockDisplay, Boat, Boss, Breedable, Camel, Cat, CaveSpider, ChestBoat, ChestedHorse, Chicken, Cod, CommandMinecart, CommandSender, ComplexEntityPart, ComplexLivingEntity, ConsoleCommandSender, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Damageable, Display, Dolphin, Donkey, DragonFireball, Drowned, Egg, ElderGuardian, EnderCrystal, EnderDragon, EnderDragonPart, Enderman, Endermite, EnderPearl, EnderSignal, Enemy, Entity, Evoker, EvokerFangs, ExperienceOrb, Explosive, ExplosiveMinecart, FallingBlock, Fireball, Firework, Fish, FishHook, Flying, Fox, Frog, Ghast, Giant, GlowItemFrame, GlowSquid, Goat, Golem, Guardian, Hanging, Hoglin, HopperMinecart, Horse, HumanEntity, Husk, Illager, Illusioner, Interaction, IronGolem, Item, ItemDisplay, ItemFrame, LargeFireball, LeashHitch, LightningStrike, LingeringPotion, LivingEntity, Llama, LlamaSpit, MagmaCube, Marker, Minecart, Mob, Monster, Mule, MushroomCow, NPC, Ocelot, Painting, Panda, Parrot, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, PiglinAbstract, PiglinBrute, PigZombie, Pillager, Player, PolarBear, PoweredMinecart, Projectile, ProxiedCommandSender, PufferFish, Rabbit, Raider, Ravager, RemoteConsoleCommandSender, RideableMinecart, Salmon, Sheep, Shulker, ShulkerBullet, Silverfish, SizedFireball, Skeleton, SkeletonHorse, Slime, SmallFireball, Sniffer, Snowball, Snowman, SpawnerMinecart, SpectralArrow, Spellcaster, Spider, SplashPotion, Squid, Steerable, StorageMinecart, Stray, Strider, Tadpole, Tameable, TextDisplay, ThrowableProjectile, ThrownExpBottle, ThrownPotion, TippedArrow, TNTPrimed, TraderLlama, Trident, TropicalFish, Turtle, Vehicle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, Warden, WaterMob, Witch, Wither, WitherSkeleton, WitherSkull, Wolf, Zoglin, Zombie, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager

public interface Permissible extends ServerOperator
Represents an object that may be assigned permissions
  • 方法详细资料

    • isPermissionSet

      boolean isPermissionSet(@NotNull @NotNull String name)
      Checks if this object contains an override for the specified permission, by fully qualified name
      name - Name of the permission
      true if the permission is set, otherwise false
    • isPermissionSet

      boolean isPermissionSet(@NotNull @NotNull Permission perm)
      Checks if this object contains an override for the specified Permission
      perm - Permission to check
      true if the permission is set, otherwise false
    • hasPermission

      boolean hasPermission(@NotNull @NotNull String name)
      如果这个权限有设置在这个对象上, 就会返回这个权限的拥有状态.

      如果这个权限没有设置在这个对象上, 将会返回这个权限的默认拥有状态.

      原文: Gets the value of the specified permission, if set.

      If a permission override is not set on this object, the default value of the permission will be returned.

      name - 权限的名字
    • hasPermission

      boolean hasPermission(@NotNull @NotNull Permission perm)
      Gets the value of the specified permission, if set.

      If a permission override is not set on this object, the default value of the permission will be returned

      perm - Permission to get
      Value of the permission
    • addAttachment

      @NotNull @NotNull PermissionAttachment addAttachment(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull @NotNull String name, boolean value)
      Adds a new PermissionAttachment with a single permission by name and value
      plugin - Plugin responsible for this attachment, may not be null or disabled
      name - Name of the permission to attach
      value - Value of the permission
      The PermissionAttachment that was just created
    • addAttachment

      Adds a new empty PermissionAttachment to this object
      plugin - Plugin responsible for this attachment, may not be null or disabled
      The PermissionAttachment that was just created
    • addAttachment

      @Nullable @Nullable PermissionAttachment addAttachment(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull @NotNull String name, boolean value, int ticks)
      Temporarily adds a new PermissionAttachment with a single permission by name and value
      plugin - Plugin responsible for this attachment, may not be null or disabled
      name - Name of the permission to attach
      value - Value of the permission
      ticks - Amount of ticks to automatically remove this attachment after
      The PermissionAttachment that was just created
    • addAttachment

      @Nullable @Nullable PermissionAttachment addAttachment(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin plugin, int ticks)
      Temporarily adds a new empty PermissionAttachment to this object
      plugin - Plugin responsible for this attachment, may not be null or disabled
      ticks - Amount of ticks to automatically remove this attachment after
      The PermissionAttachment that was just created
    • removeAttachment

      void removeAttachment(@NotNull @NotNull PermissionAttachment attachment)
      Removes the given PermissionAttachment from this object
      attachment - Attachment to remove
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when the specified attachment isn't part of this object
    • recalculatePermissions

      void recalculatePermissions()
      Recalculates the permissions for this object, if the attachments have changed values.

      This should very rarely need to be called from a plugin.

    • getEffectivePermissions

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<PermissionAttachmentInfo> getEffectivePermissions()
      Gets a set containing all of the permissions currently in effect by this object
      Set of currently effective permissions