接口 ConfigurationSerializable

ArmorMeta, AxolotlBucketMeta, BannerMeta, BlockDataMeta, BlockStateMeta, BookMeta, BundleMeta, ColorableArmorMeta, CompassMeta, CrossbowMeta, Damageable, EnchantmentStorageMeta, FireworkEffectMeta, FireworkMeta, FoodComponent, FoodComponent.FoodEffect, ItemMeta, JukeboxPlayableComponent, KnowledgeBookMeta, LeatherArmorMeta, MapMeta, MusicInstrumentMeta, OfflinePlayer, OminousBottleMeta, Player, PlayerProfile, PotionMeta, Repairable, SkullMeta, SpawnEggMeta, SuspiciousStewMeta, ToolComponent, ToolComponent.ToolRule, TropicalFishBucketMeta, WritableBookMeta
AttributeModifier, BlockVector, BoundingBox, Color, FireworkEffect, ItemStack, Location, Pattern, PotionEffect, SpawnRule, Vector

public interface ConfigurationSerializable
Represents an object that may be serialized.

These objects MUST implement one of the following, in addition to the methods as defined by this interface:

  • A static method "deserialize" that accepts a single Map< String, Object> and returns the class.
  • A static method "valueOf" that accepts a single Map<String, Object> and returns the class.
  • A constructor that accepts a single Map<String, Object>.
In addition to implementing this interface, you must register the class with ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(Class).
  • 方法概要

    Creates a Map representation of this class.
  • 方法详细资料

    • serialize

      Creates a Map representation of this class.

      This class must provide a method to restore this class, as defined in the ConfigurationSerializable interface javadocs.

      Map containing the current state of this class