接口 PlayerProfile

Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable

public interface PlayerProfile extends Cloneable, ConfigurationSerializable

一份玩家资料中始终包含一个玩家唯一 id、一个非空名字,或两者都有. 资料中的唯一 id 和名字是不可变的, 但其它属性(比如皮肤)是可以更改的.

可以通过 Server.createPlayerProfile(UUID, String) 创建新玩家资料.

  • 方法详细资料

    • getUniqueId

      @Nullable @Nullable UUID getUniqueId()
      获取玩家的唯一 id.

      原文:Gets the player's unique id.

      玩家唯一 id, 如果不存在/未设置则为 null
    • getName


      原文:Gets the player name.

      玩家名, 如果不存在/未设置则为 null
    • getTextures

      获取PlayerTextures玩家纹理信息 (玩家的皮肤+披风).

      原文:Gets the PlayerTextures of this profile.

      PlayerTextures玩家纹理信息, 不为 null
    • setTextures

      void setTextures(@Nullable @Nullable PlayerTextures textures)

      原文:Copies the given textures.

      textures - 要复制的纹理, 指定 null 以清除纹理
    • isComplete

      boolean isComplete()

      玩家名、唯一 id、纹理齐聚一堂即可认为此资料是完整的.

      原文:Checks whether this profile is complete.

      A profile is currently considered complete if it has a name, a unique id, and textures.

      如果资料完整则为 true
    • update


      本方法将通过补全资料中缺失的信息 (玩家名、唯一 id、纹理等) 来尝试生成一份完整的游戏资料, 并同时更新已有属性 (玩家名、纹理等)为官方的最新值. 此操作不会修改本资料, 但生成一份全新已更新的玩家资料.

      如果唯一 id 或名字所对应的玩家不存在, 此操作将生成与当前资料等同的资料 (注:不同实例), 此时生成的资料可能不完整.

      此操作是异步的: 更新资料的操作将在另一个线程发起一个对外连接, 以拉取官方最新资料属性. 一旦资料更新完成并可用, 本方法返回的 CompletableFuture 将完成. 为了不阻塞服务器的主线程, 您不应在主线程等待 CompletableFuture 返回结果. 相反, 如果您想在资料更新完成时利用更新的资料做些事情, 您可以使用这样的代码:

       profile.update().thenAcceptAsync(updatedProfile -> {
           // Do something with the updated profile:
           // ...
       }, runnable -> Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, runnable));

      原文:Produces an updated player profile based on this profile.

      This tries to produce a completed profile by filling in missing properties (name, unique id, textures, etc.), and updates existing properties (e.g. name, textures, etc.) to their official and up-to-date values. This operation does not alter the current profile, but produces a new updated PlayerProfile.

      If no player exists for the unique id or name of this profile, this operation yields a profile that is equal to the current profile, which might not be complete.

      This is an asynchronous operation: Updating the profile can result in an outgoing connection in another thread in order to fetch the latest profile properties. The returned CompletableFuture will be completed once the updated profile is available. In order to not block the server's main thread, you should not wait for the result of the returned CompletableFuture on the server's main thread. Instead, if you want to do something with the updated player profile on the server's main thread once it is available, you could do something like this:

       profile.update().thenAcceptAsync(updatedProfile -> {
           // Do something with the updated profile:
           // ...
       }, runnable -> Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, runnable));
      一个 CompletableFuture, 当资料更新完成时此 Future 将完成
    • clone