程序包 org.bukkit.block

接口 TileState

BlockState, Metadatable, PersistentDataHolder
Banner, Barrel, Beacon, Bed, Beehive, Bell, BlastFurnace, BrewingStand, BrushableBlock, CalibratedSculkSensor, Campfire, Chest, ChiseledBookshelf, CommandBlock, Comparator, Conduit, Container, CreatureSpawner, DaylightDetector, DecoratedPot, Dispenser, Dropper, EnchantingTable, EnderChest, EndGateway, EntityBlockStorage<T>, Furnace, HangingSign, Hopper, Jigsaw, Jukebox, Lectern, SculkCatalyst, SculkSensor, SculkShrieker, ShulkerBox, Sign, Skull, Smoker, Structure, SuspiciousSand

public interface TileState extends BlockState, PersistentDataHolder
代表持有指定位置的 tile entity 的方块状态. 接口本身只是一个不提供任何数据的类型标记. 有关 tile entities 的数据由各自 tile entity 类型对应的接口提供. 在修改由 TileState 提供的数据后, 别忘了使用BlockState.update()来存储修改的数据.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getPersistentDataContainer

      @NotNull @NotNull PersistentDataContainer getPersistentDataContainer()
      返回一个可在此对象上存储标签的自定义标签容器. 注意:存储于此容器的标签全部存储于它们自己自定义的命名空间, 因此使用本PersistentDataHolder修改默认标签是不可能的.

      PersistentDataHolder 对象只与由 BlockState 存储的快照实例相关联 (另注:实际的 tile entity 上数据更新时也不会反应到此容器中, 也就是说, 本方法获取到的容器也是一种快照). 当更新存储于 PersistentDataHolder 中的内容时, 更新的内容需要调用BlockState.update()方法才会应用于实际的 tile entity.

      原文:Returns a custom tag container capable of storing tags on the object. Note that the tags stored on this container are all stored under their own custom namespace therefore modifying default tags using this PersistentDataHolder is impossible.

      This PersistentDataHolder is only linked to the snapshot instance stored by the BlockState. When storing changes on the PersistentDataHolder, the updated content will only be applied to the actual tile entity after one of the BlockState.update() methods is called.

      getPersistentDataContainer 在接口中 PersistentDataHolder