类 MemorySection


public class MemorySection extends Object implements ConfigurationSection
A type of ConfigurationSection that is stored in memory.
  • 字段详细资料

    • map

      protected final Map<String,org.bukkit.configuration.SectionPathData> map
  • 构造器详细资料

  • 方法详细资料

    • getKeys

      @NotNull public @NotNull Set<String> getKeys(boolean deep)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection

      如果为 true, 则返回包括所有的能访问到的键的集合. 类似于获取硬盘中第一层目录还是遍历全部子目录.


      top1. Second1

      top1. Second2

      top2. Second1

      top2. Second2

      原文: Gets a set containing all keys in this section.

      If deep is set to true, then this will contain all the keys within any child ConfigurationSections (and their children, etc). These will be in a valid path notation for you to use.

      If deep is set to false, then this will contain only the keys of any direct children, and not their own children.

      getKeys 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      deep - 获取全部键, 或者仅仅获取表层键.
      将返回一个 set, 装载着符合要求的键.
    • getValues

      @NotNull public @NotNull Map<String,Object> getValues(boolean deep)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection

      如果为 true, 则返回包括所有的能访问到的键和值的集合. 类似于获取硬盘中第一层目录还是遍历全部子目录.

      如果为 false, 则返回表层的键和值的集合.

      原文: Gets a Map containing all keys and their values for this section.

      If deep is set to true, then this will contain all the keys and values within any child ConfigurationSections (and their children, etc). These keys will be in a valid path notation for you to use.

      If deep is set to false, then this will contain only the keys and values of any direct children, and not their own children.

      getValues 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      deep - 获取全部键值集合(true), 或者仅仅获取表层键值集合(false).
      返回一个 Map.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查 ConfigurationSection 是否包含指定路径.

      如果这个路径不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 也将返回 true.

      原文: Checks if this ConfigurationSection contains the given path.

      If the value for the requested path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return true.

      contains 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要检查的路径
    • contains

      public boolean contains(@NotNull @NotNull String path, boolean ignoreDefault)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Checks if this ConfigurationSection contains the given path.

      If the value for the requested path does not exist, the boolean parameter of true has been specified, a default value for the path exists, this will return true.

      If a boolean parameter of false has been specified, true will only be returned if there is a set value for the specified path.

      contains 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path to check for existence.
      ignoreDefault - Whether or not to ignore if a default value for the specified path exists.
      True if this section contains the requested path, or if a default value exist and the boolean parameter for this method is true.
    • isSet

      public boolean isSet(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 Set.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 Set, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if this ConfigurationSection has a value set for the given path.

      If the value for the requested path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will still return false.

      isSet 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查路径.
      True if this section contains the requested path, regardless of having a default.
    • getCurrentPath

      @NotNull public @NotNull String getCurrentPath()
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      从根 Configuration 中获取这个 ConfigurationSection 的路径.

      如果这个 ConfigurationSection 已经是根目录, 将返回一个空字符串.

      如果这个 ConfigurationSection 不属于任何根目录, 将返回 null.

      如果要获取这个 ConfigurationSection 名字,也就是路径中的最后一节, 你应该使用 ConfigurationSection.getName() 来获取.

      原文: Gets the path of this ConfigurationSection from its root Configuration.

      For any Configuration themselves, this will return an empty string.

      If the section is no longer contained within its root for any reason, such as being replaced with a different value, this may return null.

      To retrieve the single name of this section, that is, the final part of the path returned by this method, you may use ConfigurationSection.getName().

      getCurrentPath 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
    • getName

      @NotNull public @NotNull String getName()
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the name of this individual ConfigurationSection, in the path.

      This will always be the final part of ConfigurationSection.getCurrentPath(), unless the section is orphaned.

      getName 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      Name of this section
    • getRoot

      @Nullable public @Nullable Configuration getRoot()
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the root Configuration that contains this ConfigurationSection

      For any Configuration themselves, this will return its own object.

      If the section is no longer contained within its root for any reason, such as being replaced with a different value, this may return null.

      getRoot 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      Root configuration containing this section.
    • getParent

      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the parent ConfigurationSection that directly contains this ConfigurationSection.

      For any Configuration themselves, this will return null.

      If the section is no longer contained within its parent for any reason, such as being replaced with a different value, this may return null.

      getParent 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      Parent section containing this section.
    • addDefault

      public void addDefault(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable Object value)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection

      如果缺省值 Configuration 没有被提供, 则自动创建一个新的.

      如果值为 null, 表示从缺省值 Configuration 中删除这个路径上的默认值

      如果 ConfigurationSection.getDefaultSection() 返回的值为 null, 则建立一个新的

      原文: Sets the default value in the root at the given path as provided.

      If no source Configuration was provided as a default collection, then a new MemoryConfiguration will be created to hold the new default value.

      If value is null, the value will be removed from the default Configuration source.

      If the value as returned by ConfigurationSection.getDefaultSection() is null, then this will create a new section at the path, replacing anything that may have existed there previously.

      addDefault 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要设置缺省值的路径.
      value - 要设置的值.
    • getDefaultSection

      @Nullable public @Nullable ConfigurationSection getDefaultSection()
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the equivalent ConfigurationSection from the default Configuration defined in ConfigurationSection.getRoot().

      If the root contains no defaults, or the defaults doesn't contain a value for this path, or the value at this path is not a ConfigurationSection then this will return null.

      getDefaultSection 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      Equivalent section in root configuration
    • set

      public void set(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable Object value)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Sets the specified path to the given value.

      If value is null, the entry will be removed. Any existing entry will be replaced, regardless of what the new value is.

      Some implementations may have limitations on what you may store. See their individual javadocs for details. No implementations should allow you to store Configurations or ConfigurationSections, please use ConfigurationSection.createSection(java.lang.String) for that.

      set 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the object to set.
      value - New value to set the path to.
    • get

      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 Object 类型的值.

      如果这个 Object 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 Object 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 null.

      原文: Gets the requested Object by path.

      If the Object does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the Object does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      get 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 Object 的路径.
      返回一个 Object.
    • get

      @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public @Nullable Object get(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable Object def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 Object , 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果 Object 无法在 Configuration 中被获取, 则不会尝试去缺省列表中去寻找, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested Object by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the Object does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      get 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 Object 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 返回这个值.
    • createSection

      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Creates an empty ConfigurationSection at the specified path.

      Any value that was previously set at this path will be overwritten. If the previous value was itself a ConfigurationSection, it will be orphaned.

      createSection 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path to create the section at.
      Newly created section
    • createSection

      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Creates a ConfigurationSection at the specified path, with specified values.

      Any value that was previously set at this path will be overwritten. If the previous value was itself a ConfigurationSection, it will be orphaned.

      createSection 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path to create the section at.
      map - The values to used.
      Newly created section
    • getString

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getString(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 String 类型的值.

      如果这个 String 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 String 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 null.

      原文: Gets the requested String by path.

      If the String does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the String does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      getString 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 String 的路径.
      返回一个 String.
    • getString

      @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public @Nullable String getString(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable String def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 String , 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 String, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested String by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the String does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getString 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 String 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 String 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 String.
    • isString

      public boolean isString(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 String.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 String, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a String.

      If the path exists but is not a String, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a String and return appropriately.

      isString 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 String.
      指定路径是否是 String.
    • getInt

      public int getInt(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 int 类型的值.

      如果这个 int 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 int 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 0 .

      原文: Gets the requested int by path.

      If the int does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the int does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return 0.

      getInt 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 int 的路径.
      返回一个 int.
    • getInt

      public int getInt(@NotNull @NotNull String path, int def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 int, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 int, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested int by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the int does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getInt 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 int 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 int 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 int.
    • isInt

      public boolean isInt(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 int.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 int, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a int.

      If the path exists but is not a int, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a int and return appropriately.

      isInt 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 int.
      指定路径是否是 int.
    • getBoolean

      public boolean getBoolean(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 boolean 类型的值.

      如果这个 boolean 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 boolean 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 false.

      原文: Gets the requested boolean by path.

      If the boolean does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the boolean does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return false.

      getBoolean 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 boolean 的路径.
      返回一个 boolean.
    • getBoolean

      public boolean getBoolean(@NotNull @NotNull String path, boolean def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 boolean, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 boolean, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested boolean by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the boolean does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getBoolean 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 boolean 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 boolean 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 boolean.
    • isBoolean

      public boolean isBoolean(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 boolean.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 boolean, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a boolean.

      If the path exists but is not a boolean, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a boolean and return appropriately.

      isBoolean 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 boolean.
      指定路径是否是 boolean.
    • getDouble

      public double getDouble(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 double 类型的值.

      如果这个 double 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 double 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回0.

      原文: Gets the requested double by path.

      If the double does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the double does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return 0.

      getDouble 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取double的路径.
    • getDouble

      public double getDouble(@NotNull @NotNull String path, double def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个double, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 double, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested double by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the double does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getDouble 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 double 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 double 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 double.
    • isDouble

      public boolean isDouble(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 double.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 double, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a double.

      If the path exists but is not a double, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a double and return appropriately.

      isDouble 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 double.
      指定路径是否是 double.
    • getLong

      public long getLong(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 long 类型的值.

      如果这个 long 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 long 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 0.

      原文: Gets the requested long by path.

      If the long does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the long does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return 0.

      getLong 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取long的路径.
    • getLong

      public long getLong(@NotNull @NotNull String path, long def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 long, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 long, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested long by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the long does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getLong 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 long 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 long 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 long.
    • isLong

      public boolean isLong(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 long.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 long, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a long.

      If the path exists but is not a long, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a long and return appropriately.

      isLong 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 long.
      指定路径是否是 long.
    • getList

      @Nullable public @Nullable List<?> getList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List 类型的值.

      如果这个 List 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 List 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 null.

      原文: Gets the requested List by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      getList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 List 的路径.
      返回一个 List.
    • getList

      @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public @Nullable List<?> getList(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable List<?> def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 List, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 List, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested List by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the List does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 List 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 List 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 List.
    • isList

      public boolean isList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 List.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 List, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a List.

      If the path exists but is not a List, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a List and return appropriately.

      isList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 List.
      指定路径是否是 List.
    • getStringList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<String> getStringList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<String>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 String, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of String by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a String if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getStringList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<String> 的路径.
      返回一个 List<String>.
    • getIntegerList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Integer> getIntegerList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Integer>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 Integer, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Integer by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Integer if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getIntegerList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Integer> 的路径.
      返回一个 List<Integer>.
    • getBooleanList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Boolean> getBooleanList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Boolean>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 Boolean, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Boolean by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Boolean if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getBooleanList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Boolean> 的路径.
      返回一个 List<Boolean>.
    • getDoubleList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Double> getDoubleList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Double>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 Double, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Double by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Double if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getDoubleList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Double>的路径.
      要获取 List<Double>.
    • getFloatList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Float> getFloatList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Float>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 Float, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Float by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Float if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getFloatList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Float>的路径.
      返回一个 List<Float>.
    • getLongList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Long> getLongList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Long>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为Long, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Long by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Long if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getLongList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Long>的路径.
      返回一个 List<Long>.
    • getByteList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Byte> getByteList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Byte>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 Byte, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Byte by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Byte if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getByteList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Byte>的路径.
      返回一个 List<Byte>.
    • getCharacterList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Character> getCharacterList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Character>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 Character, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Character by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Character if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getCharacterList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Character>的路径.
      返回一个 List<Character>.
    • getShortList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Short> getShortList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Short>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 Short, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Short by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Short if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getShortList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Short>的路径.
      返回一个 List<Short>.
    • getMapList

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Map<?,?>> getMapList(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 List<Maps>.



      此方法会尽可能的将 List 中所有的项转化为 Map, 但是如果值本身不兼容, 将会发生不可预计的状况.

      原文: Gets the requested List of Maps by path.

      If the List does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the List does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return an empty List.

      This method will attempt to cast any values into a Map if possible, but may miss any values out if they are not compatible.

      getMapList 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 要获取 List<Maps>的路径.
      返回一个 List<Maps>.
    • getObject

      @Nullable public <T> T getObject(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the requested object at the given path. If the Object does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the Object does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null. Note: For example #getObject(path, String.class) is not equivalent to #getString(path) because #getString(path) converts internally all Objects to Strings. However, #getObject(path, Boolean.class) is equivalent to #getBoolean(path) for example.
      getObject 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      T - the type of the requested object
      path - the path to the object.
      clazz - the type of the requested object
      Requested object
    • getObject

      @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") @Nullable public <T> T getObject(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @Nullable T def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the requested object at the given path, returning a default value if not found If the Object does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration. Note: For example #getObject(path, String.class, def) is not equivalent to #getString(path, def) because #getString(path, def) converts internally all Objects to Strings. However, #getObject(path, Boolean.class, def) is equivalent to #getBoolean(path, def) for example.
      getObject 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      T - the type of the requested object
      path - the path to the object.
      clazz - the type of the requested object
      def - the default object to return if the object is not present at the path
      Requested object
    • getSerializable

      @Nullable public <T extends ConfigurationSerializable> T getSerializable(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the requested ConfigurationSerializable object at the given path. If the Object does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the Object does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.
      getSerializable 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      T - the type of ConfigurationSerializable
      path - the path to the object.
      clazz - the type of ConfigurationSerializable
      Requested ConfigurationSerializable object
    • getSerializable

      @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") @Nullable public <T extends ConfigurationSerializable> T getSerializable(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @Nullable T def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the requested ConfigurationSerializable object at the given path, returning a default value if not found If the Object does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.
      getSerializable 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      T - the type of ConfigurationSerializable
      path - the path to the object.
      clazz - the type of ConfigurationSerializable
      def - the default object to return if the object is not present at the path
      Requested ConfigurationSerializable object
    • getVector

      @Nullable public @Nullable Vector getVector(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection

      如果这个Vector不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值. Vector. 如果这个Vector不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回null.

      原文: Gets the requested Vector by path.

      If the Vector does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the Vector does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      getVector 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取Vector的路径.
    • getVector

      @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public @Nullable Vector getVector(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable Vector def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个Vector, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 Vector, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested Vector by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the Vector does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getVector 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 Vector 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 Vector 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 Vectorr.
    • isVector

      public boolean isVector(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 Vector .

      如果路径存在, 但不是 Vector , 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a Vector.

      If the path exists but is not a Vector, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a Vector and return appropriately.

      isVector 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 Vector .
      指定路径是否是 Vector .
    • getOfflinePlayer

      @Nullable public @Nullable OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayer(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 OfflinePlayer 类型的值.

      如果这个 OfflinePlayer 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 OfflinePlayer 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 null.

      原文: Gets the requested OfflinePlayer by path.

      If the OfflinePlayer does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the OfflinePlayer does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      getOfflinePlayer 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 OfflinePlayer 的路径.
      返回一个 OfflinePlayer.
    • getOfflinePlayer

      @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public @Nullable OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayer(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable OfflinePlayer def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 OfflinePlayer, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 OfflinePlayer, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested OfflinePlayer by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the OfflinePlayer does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getOfflinePlayer 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 OfflinePlayer 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 OfflinePlayer 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 OfflinePlayer.
    • isOfflinePlayer

      public boolean isOfflinePlayer(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 OfflinePlayer.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 OfflinePlayer, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a OfflinePlayer.

      If the path exists but is not a OfflinePlayer, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a OfflinePlayer and return appropriately.

      isOfflinePlayer 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 OfflinePlayer.
      指定路径是否是 OfflinePlayer.
    • getItemStack

      @Nullable public @Nullable ItemStack getItemStack(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径获取一个 ItemStack 类型的值.

      如果这个 ItemStack 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 ItemStack 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 null.

      原文: Gets the requested ItemStack by path.

      If the ItemStack does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the ItemStack does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      getItemStack 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 ItemStack 的路径.
      返回一个 ItemStack.
    • getItemStack

      @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public @Nullable ItemStack getItemStack(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable ItemStack def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 ItemStack, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 ItemStack, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested ItemStack by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the ItemStack does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getItemStack 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取ItemStack的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是ItemStack类型时, 返回这个值.
    • isItemStack

      public boolean isItemStack(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 ItemStack.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 ItemStack, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a ItemStack.

      If the path exists but is not a ItemStack, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a ItemStack and return appropriately.

      isItemStack 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 ItemStack.
      指定路径是否是 ItemStack.
    • getColor

      @Nullable public @Nullable Color getColor(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection

      如果这个Color不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值. Color.

      如果这个Color不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回null.

      原文: Gets the requested Color by path.

      If the Color does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the Color does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      getColor 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取Color的路径.
    • getColor

      @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public @Nullable Color getColor(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable Color def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      在指定路径上获取一个 Color, 如果无法获取, 则直接返回指定默认值.

      如果无法获取到一个 Color, 将不会尝试去缺省列表中去获取, 而是直接返回指定的默认值.

      原文: Gets the requested Color by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the Color does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getColor 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 Color 的路径.
      def - 当指定路径上没有值, 或者不是 Color 类型时, 返回这个值.
      返回一个 Color.
    • isColor

      public boolean isColor(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 Color.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 Color, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a Color.

      If the path exists but is not a Color, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a Color and return appropriately.

      isColor 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 Color.
      指定路径是否是 Color.
    • getLocation

      @Nullable public @Nullable Location getLocation(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the requested Location by path.

      If the Location does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the Location does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      getLocation 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the Location to get.
      Requested Location.
    • getLocation

      @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public @Nullable Location getLocation(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable Location def)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the requested Location by path, returning a default value if not found.

      If the Location does not exist then the specified default value will returned regardless of if a default has been identified in the root Configuration.

      getLocation 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the Location to get.
      def - The default value to return if the path is not found or is not a Location.
      Requested Location.
    • isLocation

      public boolean isLocation(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Checks if the specified path is a Location.

      If the path exists but is not a Location, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a Location and return appropriately.

      isLocation 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the Location to check.
      Whether or not the specified path is a Location.
    • getConfigurationSection

      @Nullable public @Nullable ConfigurationSection getConfigurationSection(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      获取一个 ConfigurationSection ,它是一个以指定路径作为基点的新的配置项,修改会同步.

      如果这个 ConfigurationSection 不存在, 但已指定一个缺省值, 这将返回缺省值.

      如果这个 ConfigurationSection 不存在, 并且没有指定缺省值, 则返回 null.

      更人性化的解释: 现在有一个配置文件如下

           branch1_1: something
           branch1_2: something
           branch2_1: something
           branch3_2: something
      如果调用 ConfigurationSection.getConfigurationSection(java.lang.String) 参数为("branch1") ,则会返回
           branch1_1: something
           branch1_2: something

      原文: Gets the requested ConfigurationSection by path.

      If the ConfigurationSection does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will return the default value. If the ConfigurationSection does not exist and no default value was specified, this will return null.

      getConfigurationSection 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 获取 ConfigurationSection 的路径.
      返回一个 ConfigurationSection.
    • isConfigurationSection

      public boolean isConfigurationSection(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      检查指定路径是否是 ConfigurationSection.

      如果路径存在, 但不是 ConfigurationSection, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 则返回 false.

      如果路径不存在, 但在缺省列表中存在该路径, 则在缺省列表中重复匹配该规则, 直到返回一个适当的值.

      原文: Checks if the specified path is a ConfigurationSection.

      If the path exists but is not a ConfigurationSection, this will return false. If the path does not exist, this will return false. If the path does not exist but a default value has been specified, this will check if that default value is a ConfigurationSection and return appropriately.

      isConfigurationSection 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - 检查指定路径是否是 ConfigurationSection.
      指定路径是否是 ConfigurationSection.
    • isPrimitiveWrapper

      protected boolean isPrimitiveWrapper(@Nullable @Nullable Object input)
    • getDefault

      @Nullable protected @Nullable Object getDefault(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
    • mapChildrenKeys

      protected void mapChildrenKeys(@NotNull @NotNull Set<String> output, @NotNull @NotNull ConfigurationSection section, boolean deep)
    • mapChildrenValues

      protected void mapChildrenValues(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,Object> output, @NotNull @NotNull ConfigurationSection section, boolean deep)
    • createPath

      Creates a full path to the given ConfigurationSection from its root Configuration.

      You may use this method for any given ConfigurationSection, not only MemorySection.

      section - Section to create a path for.
      key - Name of the specified section.
      Full path of the section from its root.
    • createPath

      Creates a relative path to the given ConfigurationSection from the given relative section.

      You may use this method for any given ConfigurationSection, not only MemorySection.

      section - Section to create a path for.
      key - Name of the specified section.
      relativeTo - Section to create the path relative to.
      Full path of the section from its root.
    • getComments

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<String> getComments(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the requested comment list by path.

      If no comments exist, an empty list will be returned. A null entry represents an empty line and an empty String represents an empty comment line.

      getComments 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the comments to get.
      A unmodifiable list of the requested comments, every entry represents one line.
    • getInlineComments

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<String> getInlineComments(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Gets the requested inline comment list by path.

      If no comments exist, an empty list will be returned. A null entry represents an empty line and an empty String represents an empty comment line.

      getInlineComments 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the comments to get.
      A unmodifiable list of the requested comments, every entry represents one line.
    • setComments

      public void setComments(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable List<String> comments)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Sets the comment list at the specified path.

      If value is null, the comments will be removed. A null entry is an empty line and an empty String entry is an empty comment line. If the path does not exist, no comments will be set. Any existing comments will be replaced, regardless of what the new comments are.

      Some implementations may have limitations on what persists. See their individual javadocs for details.

      setComments 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the comments to set.
      comments - New comments to set at the path, every entry represents one line.
    • setInlineComments

      public void setInlineComments(@NotNull @NotNull String path, @Nullable @Nullable List<String> comments)
      从接口复制的说明: ConfigurationSection
      Sets the inline comment list at the specified path.

      If value is null, the comments will be removed. A null entry is an empty line and an empty String entry is an empty comment line. If the path does not exist, no comment will be set. Any existing comments will be replaced, regardless of what the new comments are.

      Some implementations may have limitations on what persists. See their individual javadocs for details.

      setInlineComments 在接口中 ConfigurationSection
      path - Path of the comments to set.
      comments - New comments to set at the path, every entry represents one line.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString 在类中 Object