程序包 org.bukkit.block

枚举 BlockSupport

Serializable, Comparable<BlockSupport>, java.lang.constant.Constable

public enum BlockSupport extends Enum<BlockSupport>
Represents a level of support a block can give on one of its faces.

Any given face on a block may support anywhere between none and all three of the values in this enum. The top face of a grass block for instance can support blocks that require a full, center, or rigid face. On the contrary, all sides except the bottom of a camp fire cannot support any blocks, while the bottom face can support blocks that require a full or center face (such as a ceiling button).

  • 枚举常量详细资料

    • FULL

      public static final BlockSupport FULL
      The face is treated as a full block. For example, the side of a stair is not a full face and cannot support a wall torch, whereas the back and bottom of a stair are considered full.
    • CENTER

      public static final BlockSupport CENTER
      The face is capable of supporting blocks towards the center. For example, a wall or a fence post can support a standing torch as there is a solid component in the middle of the block.
    • RIGID

      public static final BlockSupport RIGID
      The face is capable of supporting fragile blocks such as rails. Most full-supportable top faces are rigid, unlike walls and posts, or the side of a stone block, none of which are rigid.
  • 方法详细资料

    • values

      public static BlockSupport[] values()
      按照声明该枚举类型的常量的顺序, 返回一个包含这些常量的数组。
    • valueOf

      public static BlockSupport valueOf(String name)
      返回带有指定名称的该类型的枚举常量。 字符串必须与用于声明该类型的枚举常量的 标识符完全匹配。(不允许有多余 的空格字符。)
      name - 要返回的枚举常量的名称。
      IllegalArgumentException - 如果该枚举类型没有带有指定名称的常量
      NullPointerException - 如果参数为空值