接口 Levelled

BlockData, Cloneable

public interface Levelled extends BlockData
'level' 值代表该方块中液体的高度, 其液体要么单独存在要么在炼药锅内.
对于水和熔岩方块而言, 'level' 有着特殊的含义: 'level' 为 0 时相当于源方块, 1-7 是常规的液体高度, 8-15 适用于流下的液体. 所有流下的液体都有着相同的行为, 但 'level' 值与其上方的方块相对应, 上方的液体方块的 'level' 等于 this.level - 8. Note that counterintuitively, an adjusted level of 1 is the highest level, whilst 7 is the lowest.
值不可大于 getMaximumLevel().

原文: 'level' represents the amount of fluid contained within this block, either by itself or inside a cauldron.
In the case of water and lava blocks the levels have special meanings: a level of 0 corresponds to a source block, 1-7 regular fluid heights, and 8-15 to "falling" fluids. All falling fluids have the same behaviour, but the level corresponds to that of the block above them, equal to this.level - 8 Note that counterintuitively, an adjusted level of 1 is the highest level, whilst 7 is the lowest.
May not be higher than getMaximumLevel().

  • 方法详细资料

    • getLevel

      int getLevel()
      获取 'level' 属性的值.

      原文: Gets the value of the 'level' property.

      属性 'level' 的值
    • setLevel

      void setLevel(int level)
      设置 'level' 属性的值.

      原文: Sets the value of the 'level' property.

      level - 新的 'level' 属性值
    • getMaximumLevel

      int getMaximumLevel()
      获取 'level' 属性所能允许的最大值.

      原文: Gets the maximum allowed value of the 'level' property.

      'level' 属性的最大值